Health Leader Forge
Health Leader Forge
Darin Roark, President of Wentworth-Douglass Hospital

Darin Roark, President of Wentworth-Douglass Hospital


Today’s guest is Darin Roark, President and Chief Operating Officer of Wentworth-Douglass Hospital in Dover, New Hampshire. Darin has an unusual path, from working in an insurance company to becoming a nurse specialized in emergency medicine and intensive care, to leading large organizations. His path also took him from Illinois to Florida to Dover, New Hampshire, just one town over from UNH. I really enjoyed hearing Darin’s story and learning about his deep commitment to patient care while also incorporating a deep understanding of business.

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Health Leader Forge
Health Leader Forge
The Health Leader Forge is a long form podcast featuring in-depth interviews with leaders who work in health and healthcare. In each interview, we explore the leader's career, discuss their current role and organization, and then conclude with their views on leadership.