Health Leader Forge
Health Leader Forge
COVID-19: What We Learned - Staffing & People Resources

COVID-19: What We Learned - Staffing & People Resources

This podcast is a recording of a live panel held jointly sponsored by the sponsors of this podcast, the Department of Health Management and Policy at the University of New Hampshire and the Northern New England Healthcare Executives, the local chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives. The panel was titled, COVID-19: What We Learned - Staffing & People Resources. I had the opportunity to moderate, and our panel featured Eileen Keefe, Chief Nursing Officer, Parkland Medical Center, Derry, New Hampshire, Carol Majewski, Associate Chief Quality Officer for Patient Experience for the Dartmouth-Hitchcock Health, and Colonel Kim Aiello, Commander, 44th Medical Brigade, Fort Bragg, North Carolina. 

If you would like to see the video of the event, please see our website,

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Health Leader Forge
Health Leader Forge
The Health Leader Forge is a long form podcast featuring in-depth interviews with leaders who work in health and healthcare. In each interview, we explore the leader's career, discuss their current role and organization, and then conclude with their views on leadership.