Health Leader Forge
Health Leader Forge
LTC Jarrod McGee, Commander, 11th Field Hospital (full length)

LTC Jarrod McGee, Commander, 11th Field Hospital (full length)

If you were paying attention to the news about the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City you will remember that two Army field hospitals deployed to provide support to the beleaguered health system. Today’s guest is LTC Jarrod McGee, commander of the 11th Field Hospital. In this podcast we discuss what a field hospital is, what its capabilities are, and what it’s like to move one from Ft. Hood, Texas to New York City with only a few days’ notice. This interview focuses mostly on the logistics of the movement to give listeners a sense of what it takes to accomplish something this complex and make it look easy. In the full length version of the interview we follow the discussion of the 11th Field Hospital’s mission with a discussion of LTC McGee’s career – he started out in the Army as a combat engineer “running around the woods and blowing things up” to later getting a commission as an Army Medical Service Corps officer and becoming a health services comptroller, so he has had a varied and interesting career. He is also the Army Regent for the American College of Healthcare Executives, so we talk about the importance of professional organizations, and how his ACHE contacts actually helped provide intelligence as he brought his unit into New York. We conclude with a discussion about leadership.

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Health Leader Forge
Health Leader Forge
The Health Leader Forge is a long form podcast featuring in-depth interviews with leaders who work in health and healthcare. In each interview, we explore the leader's career, discuss their current role and organization, and then conclude with their views on leadership.